I marvel that I can determine a coverlet draft and tie-up from a very small piece of a coverlet. For example, I took a small fragment of a wheel pattern shown below to determine the draft. Next, I threaded my loom placing the wheel pattern in the center and smaller table motifs on each side. As I wove several individual pieces, I added different fringe technique as illustrations for my coverlet fringe workshop. In the photo shown below, I used weft fringe on the sides and an applied technique at the bottom.
Recently I added addition analysis of coverlet fragments to my website. You can find the fragment collection drafts from the fragments from the National Museum of the American Coverlet Collection at coverletweaver.com/nmac-coverlets.html and the drafts for the Tandy & Charles Hersh Coverlet Fragment Collection at .coverletweaver.com/hersh-fragment-collection.html. Let me know if you find this information useful.
Coverlet Fragment Pattern Drawdown My Woven Sample
Recently I added addition analysis of coverlet fragments to my website. You can find the fragment collection drafts from the fragments from the National Museum of the American Coverlet Collection at coverletweaver.com/nmac-coverlets.html and the drafts for the Tandy & Charles Hersh Coverlet Fragment Collection at .coverletweaver.com/hersh-fragment-collection.html. Let me know if you find this information useful.
Coverlet Fragment Pattern Drawdown My Woven Sample
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